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If a young person has already terminated a contract or allowed a previous agreement to expire, they can enter into a new agreement with the company, provided that the young person is still entitled to assistance from the CCSY. Independent living is a program to help adolescents in care, usually at the age of 16 or 17, become more independent. To transition to independent living, you and your employee must develop a plan for your independence and sign an agreement. Extended society former care members between the ages of 18 and 21 who have retained their extended society care status until their 18th birthday may contact their parent company to request support from the ASCC. Bill 210 legislation also established that youth in care and usual care arrangements are also eligible for CCSY support at age 18. This program supports our teens in nursing by completing their high school/post-secondary education, professional training, upgrading, life skills programs, clinical interventions, etc. This agreement may be terminated by the young people upon notification to the Company. The Society will continue to provide the same level of support to youth for a period of 3 months, from the date the written notice was received by the Society. If a teen`s caregiver is no longer receiving a targeted grant or financial support under the Stay Home for School policy, a new CCSY agreement should be developed to reflect this change. This is a tailor-made agreement to achieve the agreed goals of staying on CCSY until the age of 21. This allows former Crown wards, aged 18 to 21, to continue their education and receive emotional and financial support from DCAS.

Talk to your employee to see if you meet the CCSY criteria. If a young person is no longer receiving support under the Ontario Disability Support Program Act, 1997 or the Ontario Works Act, 1997, a new ASCC agreement should be developed to reflect this change. This is an agreement established on ____ For the provision of support provided by the Society to youth for a maximum period of twelve (12) months from ___ who may require protection and support to provide a full range of services. Through a Voluntary Youth Services Agreement (VYSA), our child and family welfare workers will create security and sustainability through semi-independent or alternative child care arrangements. A 16- or 17-year-old does not need the consent of their caregivers to access these services and is assisted through the process by a lawyer through the Office of the Children`s Advocate. VYSA youth are entitled to a full range of services and resources offered by the NCFST. They are eligible to enter into agreements with the CCSY when they reach the age of 18 and continue to work with their children`s services representative as they move closer to independence and adulthood. This policy under section 42 of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act (CYFSA) replaces Policy Directive CW 004-16 Continuing Care and Youth Support of June 15, 2016. Continuing Care and Youth Support (CCSY) is a support service for the company`s former long-term care, which was established during its 18th century. Birthday need help to successfully support the transition to interdependence.

It is led by the Ministry of Children and Youth Services that financial and emotional support through the services of the CCSY can continue until the former expanded social service reaches the age of 21. This policy will come into force on the day section 1 of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 comes into force. .
